Does a 3-Day Juice Cleanse Make You Lose Weight?

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Juice cleanses have gained popularity as a quick fix for weight loss, offering a fast way to detoxify the body and shed a few pounds. A 3-day juice cleanse involves consuming only liquid, typically cold-pressed juices, for 72 hours. But does this method really help you lose weight, and more importantly, is it sustainable?

A juice cleanse can lead to rapid weight loss, mostly because it creates a significant caloric deficit. However, the weight lost during this period is usually temporary, consisting of water weight rather than fat. To better understand how juice cleanses work, check out this guide on how juice cleanses work from Healthline.

While juice cleanses can result in short-term weight loss, they aren’t a magic solution for burning fat. Instead, much of the initial drop in weight comes from reduced glycogen stores and water retention, as explained in this article on juice cleanses and the body by Shape.

What Happens During a 3-Day Juice Cleanse?

During a 3-day juice cleanse, you’re consuming only liquid nutrition, which significantly reduces your daily calorie intake. Here’s what happens in your body during these three days:

The Caloric Deficit

A major reason for the weight loss associated with a juice cleanse is the drastic drop in calorie consumption. Most juices are low in calories but rich in vitamins and minerals. This caloric deficit leads to rapid weight loss, but it’s important to note that this loss comes primarily from water weight rather than fat.

Short-Term Weight Loss

Juice cleanses cause the body to shed water weight by reducing the intake of carbs. This happens because your body uses stored glycogen, which binds to water. Once glycogen is depleted, the associated water is flushed out, resulting in a quick drop on the scale.

  • Loss of Water Weight: Most of the weight lost on a juice cleanse is water weight, not fat.
  • Reduced Bloating: By eliminating solid food, juice cleanses can reduce bloating and improve digestion.

How Much Weight Can You Lose on a 3-Day Juice Cleanse?

The amount of weight you can lose on a 3-day juice cleanse varies depending on individual factors like starting weight, metabolism, and activity level. On average, most people lose between 2 to 5 pounds during the cleanse.

Factors Affecting Weight Loss

  • Starting Weight: Heavier individuals may lose more weight initially, as their bodies store more water.
  • Activity Level: If you remain active during your cleanse, you may burn additional calories, potentially increasing your weight loss.

If you’re curious about other meal options to complement your cleanse, try the Mediterranean quinoa power bowl, which is packed with nutrients and supports weight loss.

The Science Behind Juice Cleanses and Weight Loss

Juice cleanses can help you lose weight quickly, but the majority of the loss comes from water and muscle mass, not fat.

Water Weight vs. Fat Loss

The initial weight loss on a juice cleanse is mostly due to the depletion of glycogen stores and water loss. When your body uses up glycogen, it releases water, leading to a temporary drop in weight. This is why most of the weight loss from a juice cleanse is short-lived.

Muscle Mass Loss

A potential downside of juice cleanses is the lack of protein intake, which can lead to muscle loss. Muscle is essential for burning calories, so losing muscle mass can slow down your metabolism. If you’re looking for more balanced meals that include protein, check out our high-protein recipes like the roasted stuffed bell peppers, which can complement a juice cleanse.

Gut Health and Detoxification

Juice cleanses can affect your gut health by altering your microbiome. Some studies, like a 2017 study referenced in Healthline, show that juice cleanses may lead to short-term increases in beneficial gut bacteria. However, any benefits from gut health are usually temporary unless you maintain a diet rich in fruits and vegetables.

Benefits and Downsides of a 3-Day Juice Cleanse


  • Quick Reduction in Bloating: A juice cleanse can help you feel lighter by reducing bloating.
  • High Intake of Vitamins and Antioxidants: The variety of fruits and vegetables in juice provides a concentrated dose of essential nutrients.
  • Temporary Weight Loss: You may lose several pounds of water weight, making you feel slimmer.


  • Temporary Results: The weight you lose during the cleanse is mostly water and will likely return once you resume normal eating.
  • Loss of Muscle Mass: A lack of protein can lead to muscle loss, which slows down metabolism.
  • Fatigue and Hunger: Without solid food, you may feel tired, irritable, and hungry during the cleanse.

FAQs About 3-Day Juice Cleanses

How much weight can I expect to lose on a 3-day juice cleanse?

On average, most people lose between 2-5 pounds on a 3-day juice cleanse, but this weight is primarily water weight, not fat.

Is a 3-day juice cleanse healthy?

While a juice cleanse can provide a temporary boost in nutrient intake, it’s not a sustainable method for long-term weight loss. A balanced diet with whole foods is healthier for long-term results.

Will I keep the weight off after the cleanse?

Most people regain the weight once they resume normal eating habits because the weight lost during the cleanse is mainly water and not fat.

Can I exercise during a juice cleanse?

It’s best to stick to light exercise during a juice cleanse since your calorie intake is lower. Strenuous activities may leave you feeling fatigued.


A 3-day juice cleanse can lead to rapid but temporary weight loss, with most of the weight coming from water rather than fat. While juice cleanses can help reduce bloating and provide a boost of vitamins and antioxidants, they are not a long-term solution for sustainable fat loss. If you’re considering a juice cleanse, it’s important to understand the limitations and risks involved. For lasting weight loss, pairing juices with a balanced diet and regular exercise is the most effective approach.

If you’re interested in more juice recipes or healthy meal options, check out our healthy juice recipes for weight loss and other delicious meals at Foodtira’s recipes section.


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